Professional product images in seconds.! 🎞️

Create high-quality product or advertising photos in seconds with our AI photo studio.

About us

We are a team of HPI and RWTH Aachen students with experience in computer vision, machine learning and software engineering. Our goal is to solve everyday e-commerce challenges so that you can focus on your core business.


Carlos Menke

Physics @ RWTH


Kajo Kratzenstein

Computer Science @ HPI

How it works

  • 1.

    Upload Photos

    Upload existing photos to use your product in new photos.

  • product selection
  • 2.

    Image Content

    Now select the products, people etc. that should be shown in your picture.

  • 3.

    Create new photos

    The customer can now try on all the products in your store.

  • product prediction

    Get in touch